The Spring 2023 AFHC Pledge Drive – Help us reach $45,000 in support

Welcome To The Spring 2023 AFHC Pledge Drive

Join us to support the cause of AFHC with raffle prizes, amazing speakers, and this season’s theme: “Homeopathy Is My Superpower.”

The pledge drive is over, but watch the replays!

Thank you for donating! We’ve reached out goal!!

The 2023 spring Pledge Drive goal is to raise over $45k in funds to defend homeopathy over these next few critical months.

We’ve created a unique set of special offers and prizes to help reach our goals and make the donation process fun!

We’ve coordinated 5 special speakers to celebrate our theme: “Homeopathy Is My Superpower.”

For a limited time!

Donation Goal: $45,000

AFHC's Goal To Protect Homeopathy:

The FDA’s guidance on homeopathy is causing confusion and uncertainty for consumers and the industry. It puts homeopathic medicines at risk of being removed from the market. To address this, Americans for Homeopathy Choice Action is urging Congress to take action.

The first step is to prohibit the FDA from using funds to withdraw homeopathic products simply because they are labeled as “unapproved new drugs.” This would require the FDA to provide evidence of safety or labeling issues before removal.

The second step is to introduce legislation that modernizes the law surrounding homeopathic medicines. This legislation would establish a clear and stable legal framework for homeopathy.

Donating to Americans for Homeopathy Choice Action specifically supports these lobbying efforts to protect homeopathy and ensure its availability. Your support is crucial in advocating for legislation that safeguards homeopathy and its users. Together, we can secure the future of homeopathic medicines.

Watch the Replays!

We live streamed each day of the pledge drive, and now you can watch the replays for a limited time!

For a limited time!

Spring 2023 Pledge Drive Sponsors:

Congratulations to our Raffle prize winners!​

This is what they have won:

Day 1: Robert & Justyna Melo - Manufacturing

$150 Value

Day 2: Sue Meyer - Homeopathy & Children

$146 Value

Day 3: Todd Rowe

$120 Value

Day 4: Dr. Lisa Amerine - Homeopathy for Emergencies

$155 Value

Day 5: Kim Elia - Homeopathy Movie

$150 Value

Watch the Replays!

We live streamed each day of the pledge drive, and now you can watch the replays for a limited time!

For a limited time!

OHM Justyna & Robert

Day 1 - Justyna Mazur & Robert Melo

06/05 - 6:00pm EST

Justyna Mazur is a highly skilled professional with a strong background in chemistry and quality assurance. Holding a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and Physics and a Master of Science degree in Chemistry, she has gained expertise in analytical chemistry, colloid chemistry, and radiochemistry. With extensive experience as the Director of Quality Assurance and Quality Control, Justyna excels in developing and maintaining quality systems, overseeing regulatory compliance, and implementing corrective and preventive action plans to ensure adherence to industry standards and regulations. Her meticulous attention to detail and commitment to continuous improvement make her a valuable asset in the field.

Dr. Robert Melo is a medical doctor trained in conventional medicine and specialized in homeopathy. He is currently the President of OHM pharma inc., a reputable FDA-registered pharmaceutical manufacturing facility focusing on homeopathic medicines. With a strong commitment to advancing homeopathy, Dr. Melo actively participates in various professional organizations and promotes the integration of homeopathy into mainstream medicine through research and collaboration.

Watch Day 1 Replay Here!

Sue Meyer Headshot

Day 2 - Sue Meyer

06/07 - 6:00pm EST

Sue Meyer, ND, CCH, CST, is a wife and homeschool mother of eleven. She and her husband, Ron, currently have 43 grandchildren (including a brand new little one, and two more on the way!) whom they dearly enjoy spending time with on a regular basis. She spends most of her free time in the study of Natural Medicine, with her main focus being on Proper Nutrition, Essential Oils, and Classical Homeopathy. Sue has earned a Diploma in Naturopathy and is a Certified Classical Homeopath through the Council of Homeopathic Certification.  She has also completed her training in Craniosacral/Myofascial Dynamic Body Balancing Therapy.  Sue is the author of “Homeopathy for Mommies: Family Guide for Acute Use of Homeopathy” and a recently published new book for the advanced home user, “Homeopathy Beyond Acute Care.”  She hosts a podcast on that has over half a million downloads to date. Sue likes to travel to meet the families striving to learn the art of Homeopathy and Natural Medicine, and believes that it is from within the family that Natural Health Care will once again emerge as the primary form of treatment for good health.

Watch Day 2 Replay Here!


Day 3 - Todd Rowe

06/08 - 6:00pm EST

Dr. Todd Rowe is a highly experienced and licensed homeopathic physician with over 25 years of practice. He holds national certifications from the American Board of Homeotherapeutics and the Council for Homeopathic Certification. Dr. Rowe obtained his medical degree from Rush Medical School and completed his psychiatric residency at the University of Vermont. He is an accomplished author, having written books on homeopathic education, and he serves as the Homeopathic Program Director for the Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture. Dr. Rowe has conducted extensive research in the field, including homeopathic provings and clinical trials, and he currently holds positions of leadership in various homeopathic organizations.

Watch Day 3 Replay Here!

Day 4 - Dr. Lisa Amerine

06/09 - 6:00pm EST

Lisa Amerine, ND, DHANP, is a Naturopathic Doctor with an expertise in homeopathy practicing in Lafayette, Colorado. After attaining her Naturopathic Doctorate degree from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, Dr. Amerine went on to become one of few doctors in the country who have achieved Diplomate status with the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians (DHANP).

Watch Day 4 Replay Here!

Kim Elia, Homeopath, Educator and CEO of WholeHealthNow

Day 5 - Kim Elia

06/06 - 6:00pm EST

Kim Elia is a dedicated homeopath who embarked on a lifelong journey in homeopathy after being inspired by Gandhi’s praise for the healing modality. Having studied with renowned homeopathic masters since 1987, Kim graduated from the New England School of Homeopathy and has lectured and trained homeopaths globally. As a co-founder of WholeHealthNow, Kim has worked tirelessly to provide a trusted resource for the homeopathic community, including a comprehensive website, a historic homeopathic timeline, and recorded interviews with world-renowned homeopaths. Known for his deep knowledge of materia medica and dynamic teaching methods, Kim’s goal is to bring the homeopathic community together and promote this affordable and effective healing modality.

Watch Day 5 Replay Here

You can Be A Homeopathy Hero Too!

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