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Boots On The Ground: Teamwork Makes The Dream Work!

The Homeopathy Choice Insider

Hello! Welcome to the Homeopathy Choice Insider. Every Monday, you’ll be getting an update from us where we will pull back the curtain and provide you with a quick 3-5 minute insider’s view of what we work so diligently to do, each week, at Americans for Homeopathy Choice.

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We will only text you our Monday Homeopathy Choice Insider report and urgent action alerts.

If you’d like to read the summary of today’s report, scroll down to the end of this post!

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  • Our HAT team is comprised of State Captains and Congressional Leads.
  • Congressional Leads build meaningful relationships with their state representatives and staffers, providing them with accurate and detailed information about homeopathy.
  • The goal is to shift the political process through these relationships by helping staffers feel like the Congressional Lead is a knowledgeable expert who is helping them with their work. 
  • Our HAT team is a critical part of helping Congress regain lost institutional knowledge about homeopathic medicines and see the value homeopathy plays in the health of the people in their districts.
  • Sign up for the next HAT Webinar on September 21, 2022!
  • Stay tuned next week as we talk about one of our State Captains who found her power!

Our job is not to change the world; our job is to steward the gifts we’ve been given.

*Social media & emails are blocking alerts on natural medicine! Sign up for text alerts!
We will only text you our Monday Homeopathy Choice Insider report and urgent action alerts.

Summary of Today’s Episode:

On our Monday Insider, we’ve been talking about our grassroots advocacy team, the Homeopathy Action Team, or HAT for short, who work on building relationships with Congress at the Federal level. Last week we talked about the State Captains of our HAT team and what their role is. Today we are going to talk about Congressional Leads.


The Congressional Lead (CL) is the center point for our HAT work. They are the boots on the ground who are building relationships with their staffers and providing them with accurate and detailed information about homeopathy. We don’t mean sending an email here and there into a black hole. We mean connecting with your staffers in a meaningful way.  A lot of people tell me that they’re afraid to join the HAT team because they don’t know how to ‘schmooze’ people, like members of Congress, but that’s not our approach at all. Our approach is authentic, it’s meaningful, and it’s sincere. We teach you how to connect with your congressional office by making emotional deposits of positive communication.


For example, some months, CLs will reach out to their staffer with an important update regarding homeopathy, or perhaps you’ll provide them a compliment for some non-related homeopathy effort their office has made. This information is provided to CLs each month from HAT Leadership, and it’s given in a template format so that the CL can customize it to connect with their staffer. The goal is to help the staffer feel like the CL is always providing useful information that will help them do their work in Congress. The idea is to shift the political process with our relationships, regardless of what party their office represents. We want the staffer to see the CL, and really all consumers of homeopathy as PEOPLE who VOTE on this issue. We want them to understand that as they support homeopathy they will see the value that homeopathy plays in the health of the people in their district.


Recently, one congressional staffer said to one of our Congressional Leads, “Well, you’re the expert. I’ll reach out to you if I have any questions.” That’s exactly how we want staffers to think of our CLs and HAT members. We want them to see US as the experts on this issue. Before the HAT became active, we noticed that all staffers would do was go to the FDA website to gather information about homeopathic medicine. You know why this is faulty, but without us, that is exactly what staffers will resort to. Our HAT team is a critical part of helping Congress regain that institutional knowledge about homeopathic medicines.


The best part about the HAT team is that you’re really part of a team! Congressional Leads don’t need to be lone-advocates working on their own. Many leads actually partner up with someone else from their district, working together and dividing tasks between their partners. It really is wonderful to connect with like-minded people, regardless of what political perspective they may have. We are gathered under the incredible healing power of homeopathic medicine and it’s wonderful to band together as a team of like-minded individuals.


We are talking so much about the HAT team because it is our most precious asset and the greatest chance we have at winning our fight to protect homeopathy in the USA. 


OK! That’s it for this week. Join us next week as we talk about one of our State Captains who found her power!

*Social media & emails are blocking alerts on natural medicine! Sign up for text alerts!
We will only text you our Monday Homeopathy Choice Insider report and urgent action alerts.

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Past Issues:

The Path to Homeopathy on the Hill

Welcome back to Homeopathy Choice Insider where we keep you informed about the latest developments regarding protecting our right to choose homeopathy. Here’s what’s happened

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