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Survival of the Fittest

Many years ago, my husband and I were planning a long-awaited trip to the Galapagos Islands. Knowing that we would be on a relatively small boat (no cruise ship I assure you) in the Pacific Ocean, I prepared in all the usual ways, but one was the most important to me.  Interestingly, as the cruel irony of fate would have it, I get VERY seasick, despite my intense love for the ocean and all manners of experiencing and enjoying it. So off I went to the health store to purchase a remedy to prevent this dreaded malady which could potentially derail the entirety of my trip.  Uggghh – the thought of nausea makes me nauseous!!! I purchased Cocculus — and several vials at that!! Let me reiterate— no taking any chances here, as I suspected “focusing on the horizon” was not going to cut it in the Galapagos.

Because the boat was small, there were not a lot of passengers, so it was easy to speak to everyone about their travel experiences. Mostly all were experienced naturalist travelers— proudly claiming that they have never gotten seasick.  This made me more worried— I get seasick just sitting on my windsurfer in the bay on flat water between runs. Two nights into the trip, the Captain summoned everyone and said the seas were getting rough—it was going to be a very rocky night and he left Dramamine for everyone to take.  I sat calmly trying to use all my strategies to down regulate my nervous system. Oh—all the while holding tightly to my vials of Cocculus which my husband and I abruptly took. Some of the others took Dramamine….. but some of my comrades on the rough Pacific were paying the Captain no mind.  Again, boldly recounting their seasoned worldly travel adventures on rough seas without getting seasick, they passed on the Dramamine— INITIALLY. But that was the last time they did that! The night came and went. My husband and I slept soundly. The next morning, we were up and about and perfectly fine. No one else was to be found.  It turns out they were held up in their rooms with all the usual symptoms of seasickness which evidently reached epic proportion (even those who took the Dramamine). The graphic details of which I will spare you. This re-occurred a few more times on the trip for most passengers, and sad to say that the excitement of seeing exotic wildlife was vastly overshadowed by, let’s just say, less pleasant issues.  But not for my husband and me. Thanks to Cocculus, it was smooth sailing on rough seas. You can learn more about Cocculus in this article from our friends at NCH. https://www.homeopathycenter.org/homeopathy-today/homeopathy-and-motion-sickness

This led me to wonder —— did Darwin know about homeopathy? He sure did, and Dana Ullman’s article is a great read for those of you who are curious: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2816387/  And now I NEVER go near the water or travel without my beloved Cocculus.

I can’t imagine a world without homeopathy, without Cocculus. And that is why we write to you here on the Bear Thoughts blog…to encourage you to protect our beloved homeopathy.

“‘Thou Mayest’ — That gives a Choice.  It may be the most important word in the world.  That says the way is open.” John Steinbeck

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Donating monthly http://homeopathychoice.org/recurring-donations/
Volunteering http://homeopathychoice.org/volunteer/
Contacting your Congressmen http://homeopathychoice.org/contact-congress/, and Commenting in support of the citizen’s petition http://homeopathychoice.org/contact-fda/.

~Lynn Hampton
Lynn is a published health professional practicing in N.Y.  Her interest and participation in holistic health care spans decades.  She is passionate about evolving the paradigm of health to embody Vitality as its central theme. 

 “The views expressed in “Bear Thoughts” posts are a service provided by guest writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Americans for Homeopathy Choice.” 

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