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Copeland’s Cure: A Mama Bear Shares Some Lessons from History Part 3

Mother Knows Best One of the reasons that the use of homeopathic remedies spread so quickly in America was because mothers became enthusiasts. They recognized quickly that homeopathy worked and appreciated its gentleness, especially for their children. Homeopathic doctors used tiny sugar pills coated with the super-dilution of substances that followed the principle of “like […]

Copeland’s Cure: A Mama Bear Shares Some Lessons from History Part 2

Looking for Answers As a mother and grandmother who uses homeopathy to care for the health of my family, I am deeply concerned about the recent Draft Guidance issued by the FDA against homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic remedies are gentle, without side-effects and very affordable. They have been around for hundreds of years and are used […]

Copeland’s Cure: A Mama Bear Shares Some Lessons from History Part 1

History is a Great Teacher I love history. When I was a little girl my dad used to call me into the living room to see what was happening on the news.  I remember the day that President Nixon resigned. My dad told me that I was watching “history in the making.” I was only […]