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Recent National Poll Finds 82% of Americans

Say ‘Yes’ to Natural Health

Tell Congress Americans want access to natural health options including homeopathic medicines protected!

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82% of Americans Say ‘Yes’ to Natural Health in National Poll

A recent poll carried out by the nationally respected Marist Institute for Public Opinion, home of the Marist Poll, found that 82 percent of American adults use homeopathic medicines, dietary supplements, or other natural remedies.

That’s an astounding number and the highest we have ever seen. That’s why it’s crucial that we let Congress know just how much Americans value their access to natural health.

Use our ready-made message to let your members of Congress know about the poll and our proposals for protecting access to homeopathic medicines.

Why is Your Message So Important?

Some 70 percent of all adults say they are

more likely to support a Congressional candidate

who will protect the public's access to natural health products.

Congress needs to know that Americans want continued access to such products. Tell Congress to support our sensible proposals for maintaining access to the full range of homeopathic medicines.

Why NOW?

Access to homeopathic medicines


We are in one of the most critical times in history to advocate for access to homeopathic medicines. In 2017 FDA released a policy document–currently in draft form–that categorizes all homeopathic medicines as “unapproved new drugs” and therefore illegally marketed. This has allowed the FDA to remove homeopathic medicines, one at a time, for any reason or no reason at all.

Which homeopathic medicine are you willing to lose? We have already lost access to some medicines and the FDA has specifically mentioned Belladonna, Nux vomica, and others as concerns.

There’s no better way to protect and support homeopathy than communicating directly with the members of the United States Congress on Capitol Hill. We need you to join in because your voice will change history. You are needed now more than ever!